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The best title for this story is: A parrot named Percy was fired from the Bakersville Zoo, He was one of a dozen talking parrots, which are the zoo's main attraction. The parrots were performing in front of a crowd when Percy suddenly shrieked out improper language. The visitors and zookeepers were shocked. The zoo decided not to risk a similar performance in "front of children and got Percy out of the zoo. One zookeeper said, "we'll find a safe new home for Percy

Shocking Match

Tight Squeeze

Bad Example 

الطلاب الباحثين على إجابة السؤال: The best title for this story is: A parrot named Percy was fired from the Bakersville Zoo, He was one of a dozen talking parrots, which are the zoo's main attraction. The parrots were performing in front of a crowd when Percy suddenly shrieked out improper language. The visitors and zookeepers were shocked. The zoo decided not to risk a similar performance in "front of children and got Percy out of the zoo. One zookeeper said, "we'll find a safe new home for Percyبيت العلم. 

مرحبا بكم في موقع "علم السؤال" نوفر لكم حلول وإجابات صحيحة ومعتمدة من قبل وزارة التعليم لكل الأسئلة المدرسية والواجبات المنزلية، وكذلك حلول الاختبارات النصفية والنهائية، وذلك تحت إشراف نخبة من معلمين ذوي خبرة وكفاءة لكافة المواد ولجميع المراحل الدراسيـة

The best title for this story is: A parrot named Percy was fired from the Bakersville Zoo, He was one of a dozen talking parrots, which are the zoo's main attraction. The parrots were performing in front of a crowd when Percy suddenly shrieked out improper language. The visitors and zookeepers were shocked. The zoo decided not to risk a similar performance in "front of children and got Percy out of the zoo. One zookeeper said, "we'll find a safe new home for Percy

الإجابة الصحيحة هي:

He used bad language.

هل لديك سؤال؟ ابحث على سؤالك في أيقونة البحث الموجودة في أعلى الموقع أو أطرحه في مربع التعليقات، وسنجيب عليه.

1 إجابة واحدة

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أفضل إجابة
The best title for this story is: A parrot named Percy was fired from the Bakersville Zoo, He was one of a dozen talking parrots, which are the zoo's main attraction. The parrots were performing in front of a crowd when Percy suddenly shrieked out improper language. The visitors and zookeepers were shocked. The zoo decided not to risk a similar performance in "front of children and got Percy out of the zoo. One zookeeper said, "we'll find a safe new home for Percy

اسئلة متعلقة

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1 إجابة
سُئل يونيو 5، 2023 بواسطة Manal
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1 إجابة
مرحبًا بك إلى علم السؤال، حيث يمكنك طرح الأسئلة وانتظار الإجابة عليها من المستخدمين الآخرين.