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listen to the biography of prince sultan bin salman. put the events in a chronological order. number: 

الإجابة الصحيحةللسؤال listen to the biography of prince sultan bin salman. put the events in a chronological order. number بيت العلم، أحد الأسئلة المهمة التي يتم تكررها في الواجبات والاختبارات ويشرح معلم المادة طريقة الحل في الحصه أثناء شرح الدرس ويولي اهتمامه على بعض الأسئلة الهامة ومن بينها هذا السؤال. 

اختر الإجابة الصحيحة: listen to the biography of prince sultan bin salman. put the events in a chronological order. number. 

طلاب موقع عـلـم الـسؤال التعليمي، التركيز على فهم الدرس أثناء شرح معلم المادة الدرس في الحصة الدراسية يساعدك على حل واجب الدرس بسهولة ويسهل عليك حل الاختبارات، وكما نوصي بالتحضير المسبق للدروس لكسب مهارة المشاركة أثناء شرح الدرس. 

listen to the biography of prince sultan bin salman. put the events in a chronological order. number

والجواب الصحيح هو

listen to the biography of prince sultan bin salman. put the events in a chronological order. number them from 1 to 8. ____ he began helping organizations for the disabled. ____ he completed university and flight training in the u.s. ____ he was on the saudi media committee during the 1984 olympics. ____ he was born in 1956 in riyadh. ____ he started working for the ministry of information. ____ he became secretary general of the saudi commission for tourism and antiquities. ____ he flew aboard the space shuttle discovery. ____ he became involved in preserving saudi. 

1 إجابة واحدة

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listen to the biography of prince sultan bin salman. put the events in a chronological order. number

والجواب الصحيح هو

listen to the biography of prince sultan bin salman. put the events in a chronological order. number them from 1 to 8. ____ he began helping organizations for the disabled. ____ he completed university and flight training in the u.s. ____ he was on the saudi media committee during the 1984 olympics. ____ he was born in 1956 in riyadh. ____ he started working for the ministry of information. ____ he became secretary general of the saudi commission for tourism and antiquities. ____ he flew aboard the space shuttle discovery. ____ he became involved in preserving saudi.

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